Bio & Resume



Etty Yaniv works on her art, art writing, and curatorial projects in Brooklyn. She exhibited in solo and group shows at galleries and museums nationally and internationally, including The Haifa Museum of Art, Israel, State Silk Museum, Tbilisi, Georgia, Newark Museum of Art, NJ, Monmouth Museum of Art, NJ, Torrance  Art Museum, CA,  AIR gallery, Brooklyn, Sheen Cultural Center, NYC,  Long Island University, Brooklyn,  Kean University, MJ, Purdue University, IN, UCONN University, Stamford, CT, Musée Héritage Museum, St. Albert, CA, Zero1 Biennial in San Francisco, and Leipziger Baumwollspinnerie, Leipzig Germany. In 2022, her site-specific installation “Inversion” was exhibited in Palazzo Mora, Art Biennale, Venice, 2022. Her work is in institutional and private collections nationally and internationally, including the State Silk Museum, Tbilisi, Georgia, The Foundation Center, NYC, ElephantArt, Switzerland, and other private collectors in the USA, Israel, Australia, Europe, and Canada. She was awarded the Two Trees studio program since 2018. She founded the online magazine Art Spiel and serves as its chief editor.

Etty Yaniv Resume



Born in Tel Aviv, Israel. Resides in the NYC area and works in Brooklyn.

One, and Two Person Exhibitions


Towson University, Holtzman Gallery, MD, Adrift in the Sargasso Sea, interdisciplinary installation in collaboration with dance


Five Points, CT, Wavering Vistas


Palazzo Mora, 2022 Venice Art Biennial, Ecc, Inversion, site specific installation, Venice, Italy

Dryfoos gallery, Kean University, Union, NJ, Appendices, solo site specific

Guild Gallery, NYC, Fire and Water, two-person show with Christina Massey, curated by Carol Salmanson


Five Myles, Brooklyn, Into the Maelstrom, site specific installation

Stand4, Brooklyn, Landviews of Commonplaces, Three-person exhibition

Equity Gallery, NYC, Premonitory Terrains, Three-person exhibition, site specific installation


Main Window Dumbo, Brooklyn, Run Off, site-specific installation

Salena Gallery, LIU, Brooklyn, Transient Presence, site-specific installation

Space 776, Brooklyn, Perpetual Roads


Charleston Heights Arts Center, Las Vegas, On the Horizon, site-specific installation

Illinois Central College Art Gallery, Peoria, On the Horizon


SPECTRE Arts, Durham, NC, On the Horizon

Garrison Art Center, NY, Rising Under Currents

Tbilisi State Silk Museum, Tbilisi, Georgia, Curios, site-specific installation


Jersey City University, Lemmerman Gallery, Jersey City, NJ, Detached from the Celestial Sphere

Musée Héritage of St. Albert (AGSA), Alberta, Canada, Parallel Topographies

Long Island University Humanities gallery, Brooklyn, NYC, Sirens

Richard Stockton art gallery, Stockton University, NJ, Urban Sediments


Purdue University art gallery, Lafayette, Indiana, Urban Sediments

UConn Stamford art gallery, University of Connecticut, Stamford, CT, Urban Sediments


Montserrat College of Art Galleries, Frame 301, Beverly, MA, At that Moment All Spaces Change

Western Illinois University Gallery, Illinois, Variable States of Suspension

AYZART, NYC, The Third Landscape


Millersville University, Sykes Gallery, Millersville, PA, Parallel Topographies


Monmouth Museum, Brookdale College, Lincroft, NJ, Etty Yaniv: Pen and Collage

Selected Group Exhibitions


M. David & Co., Art Cake, Brooklyn, All Tomorrow’s Parties

Westbeth, Manhattan, There is a crack in everything, curated by Valerie Hallier, site-specific installation

ART06870, CT, Makers and Movers, curated by Michael Manning

4Heads Portal and Chashama, Manhattan, NY, Shifting Landscapes, site-specific installation


Alexey von Schlippe Gallery, UConn, Waterbodies, site-specific installation

The Boiler-ELM, Brooklyn, Out of Joint, site-specific installations by five visual artists and a dancer, organized by Etty Yaniv

Pennsylvania Academy of Art Museum, On the Horizon

The Golden Foundation, Made in Paint

CounterPointe10, a collaborative project of dance/visual art curated by Norte Maar


Kameyama Triennial, Kameyama, Japan, curated by William Norton and Kei Kihara

Space 776 Gallery, NYC, Detachments, curated by Dasha Bazanova

Kate Oh Gallery, NYC, Matrixes, curated by Jaynie Crimmins

Alexey von Schlippe Gallery, University of Connecticut, Avery Point, Groton, CT, Tides and Currents, curated by Jeanne Ciravolo

Greek Consulate, Occupy #3, curated by Peter Hopkins and Sarah Olson

MoCa Long Island Museum, Asia America, curated by John Cino


Wonzimer Gallery, LA, Imperfectionism, curated by Alaia Parhiz

Byrdcliffe Kleinert/James Center for the Arts, Woodstock, NY, Artists Draw Their Studios, curated by Michelle Weinberg

Bau 18th, invitational, The Cultural Association BAU of Viareggio, Italy

Rhombus Space, Brooklyn, Bounty

Dreamers, an International public art project in urban spaces, including Rome, Athens, and NYC, curated by Laura Mega

Ursa Gallery, CT, Coral Reef Principle, curated by Sarah Olson

Bravin Lee Projects, If Tomorrow Comes, curated by Karin Bravin


PeepShow Space, Brooklyn, Reds to Blues, a Three-person painting exhibition, curated by William Norton

M. David & Co., Brooklyn, Vestige, Three-person exhibition, curated by Michael David (Artsy) 

Wonzimer Gallery, LA, Sense of Place, curated by Vita Eruhimimovitz and Nicole Kutz

Peep Space, Tarrytown, NY, Flat File 2020


Arcadia project for the Environment, Sirens, site specific installation, NYC

St. Paul Church, NYC, The Lovely Wild, curated by Jenn Cacciola and Frank Sabatté

Williamsburg Art and Historical Center, curated by William Norton  


Istituto Marangoni, Miami, Re-Think, site specific installation, curated by Arcadia Earth

The Clemente Center, NYC, Trill Matrix, site specific installation, curated by Elizabeth Riley

Governor’s Island Fall Art Fair, 4Heads, site specific installation

National Museum of Romanian Literature in Bucharest, The Object Book Biennial

Centoto, Brooklyn, Unborderings, curated by Paul D’Agostino

Cigar Factory, LIC, NY, curated by Krista Saunders Scenna and Carolina Peñafiel

The Green Room Gallery, Brooklyn, Mindful Waiting, curated by Elisa Jensen


David & Schweitzer Contemporary, Brooklyn, Yellow Chair, curated by Keith Schweitzer

University of Bridgeport, Schelfhaudt Gallery, Arnold Bernhard Center, CT, curated by Peter Konsterlie

DAVID&SCHWEITZER Contemporary, Brooklyn, True Believers, curated by Daniel Gadd

Chashama, 470 Vanderbilt Ave, Bigger, Bolder, Better

Salena gallery, LIU, Brooklyn, RECLAIMED


Visual Arts Gallery, NJCU, Jersey City, Reclaimed, curated by Michal Gavish and Etty Yaniv

Art Connects, NYC, permanent exhibition, curated by Peter Gynd

ATrium, Morristown, NJ, curated by Dr. Lynn L. Siebert

Ground Floor Gallery, Brooklyn, Foreign Bodies, curated by Jill Benson and Krista Saunders Scenna

Monmouth Museum of Art, Brookdale College, Lincroft, NJ, Artists Emerged: New Works, invitational

Purdue University gallery, Lafayette, Indiana, On or About: Rockwell Kent, curated by Craig Martin

Torrance Art Museum, LA, CA, Sibling Rivalries, curated by Ashley Garrett and Max Presneill

Space 776, Brooklyn, New Morning, curated by Dasha Bazanova

Life on Mars, Brooklyn, Sideshow, curated by Michael David


Schema Projects, Brooklyn, Volume 2, curated by Mary Judge and Enrico Gomez

Sheen Cultural Center, NYC, Art Walk, curated by Benjamin Williams

Helen Day Art Center, Stowe, VT, Fractured: Works on Paper, curated by Rachel Moore

RJampol Projects, NYC, Crossing Your Own Line, curated by Rebecca Jampol

Haifa Museum of Art, Israel, Out of Sight, curated by Lola Vilenkin

Life on Mars, Brooklyn, NYC, Seeking Space, curated by Michael David

The Drawing Rooms, Jersey City, NJ, Paper Constructions, curated by Anne Trauben


Life on Mars, Brooklyn, Never Mind the Bollocks, curated by Fran O’Neill

Newark Museum of Art, Newark, NJ, Ready or Not, curated by Shlomit Dror

The Gateway Project, Newark, NJ, Emerald City, curated by Jasmine Wahi and Rebecca Jampol

Ten Eyck Storefront Gallery, Inhabiting Ten Eyck, Brooklyn, NYC, curated by Karin Bravin

Falchi building, Long Island City, NYC, In My Borough, Site-specific collaborative public art

Life On Mars, Brooklyn, The Indexical Mark, curated by Michael David


Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei, One Sided Story, Leipzig, Germany, curated by Candace Goodrich

ORT/PLACE, Mestrovicev Pavilijon-HDLU, Zagreb, Croatia, curated by Candace Goodrich

Tac Eindhoven, Temporary art center, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, invitational

Galerie Delikatessenhaus, Leipzig, Germany, invitational

Institut Für Alles Mögliche, Berlin, Germany, invitational


Westpol A.I.R. Space, Westwerk, Kunst ist Kapital, Leipzig, Germany

San Francisco, CA, Zero1 Biennial, invitational collaborative project

AIR gallery, Brooklyn, NYC, Righteous Perpetrators, invitational, curated by Jennifer Wroblewski

The Nilson gallery, Monmouth Museum, NJ


Die Novo Projekt, Berlin, Germany

Austin State University, Cole Art Center, Nacogdoches, Texas

White Box Gallery, NYC, MFA thesis show

Dolly Maass Gallery, SUNY Purchase, Purchase, NY, Thesis Two-person Exhibition

Selected Publications / Media

Two Coates of Paint, CounterPointe10: It’s About Risk, by Jerry Hochman, March 2023

Pep Talks for Artists, podcast with amy Talluto, September 18, 2022

Arte Fuse, Etty Yaniv: Inversion at Palazzo Mora in Venice, Italy, by Tim Wright, April 25, 2022

The Woven Tale Press, Hybrid Landscapes, WTP, Vol IX #6

The Woven Tale Press, Discovering Connectivity Between the Parts, July 30, 2021

POVarts, Whirling Form and Presentness at five Myels Gallery, by Katerina Lanfranco,2021

The New York Times, Arts & Design, Finding Art Miles Away, by Seph Rodney, 2021
Artcritical, Window on the Environment: Etty Yaniv in Dumbo, by Anna Shukeylo, 2020

The New York Times, At Arcadia Earth, Dazzle Illuminates Danger, by Laurel Graeber, 2019

Kolaj Magazine, Run Off, 2019

Arte Fuse, Trill Matrix at the Clemente, by Jonathan Goodman, 2019

Settlers+Nomads, Etty Yaniv, On the Horizon, by D.K. Sole, 2019

ANTE Magazine, Sustainable Art Sweeps Miami Art Week, by Audra Lambert, 2018

Gothamist, Photos: Old Governos Island Houses Now Filled with strange Creations for 11th Annual Art Fair, by Scott Lynch, 2018

Arte Fuse, Independent Artists Reign at Governor’s Island Art Fair, by Audra Lambert, 2018

Hyperallergic, Immerse Yourself in the Ghoulish art on Governors Island, by Zachary Small, 2018

Artarea TV, Curios in the Silk Museum, Tbilisi, Gerogia, 2017

Professional Women Photographers, Sources and Choices: Etty Yaniv, by Catherine Kirkpatrick, 2017

Bedford + Bowery, Skin-Like sculptures, by Cassidy Dawn Graves, 2016

Arts in Bushwick, Precarious Constructs, A Dance with the Maelstrom, by JenJoy Roybal, 2016

Art New England, Fractured: Works on Paper, by Meg Brazill, 2015

The Exponent, New gallery exhibits explore History and Reimagined Experience, by Emma Flick, 2015

Lafayette Journal & Courier, Exhibits Explore Isolation and Motion, by Domenica Bongiovanni, 2015

Hyperallergic, A Concise Guide to BOS, by Benjamin Sutton, 2015

Stamford Advocate, Urban Sediments Set for Stamford Gallery, by Joe Meyers, 2015

Arts in Bushwick, Arts and Crafts of Paper, by Willow Goldstein, 2015

Sustainability 101, Sustainable Hotels are Identified, Artworks Awarded, by Magdalene Sim, 2014

Public Radio, TSPR, Brooklyn Artist Showing at WIU, radio Interview and article, by Jonathan Ahl, 2014

Hyperallergic, Adventures in Styrofoam, Maximalism, and Photography, by Alex Heimbach, 2014

Art Residencies

2022, The Sam and Adele Golden Foundation

2020, Mass Moca, MA

2017, Artist in residence at the State Silk Museum in Tbilisi, Georgia

2012-13, Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei, One Sided Story, Leipzig, Germany

2011, Vermont Studio Center

2008, School of Visual Arts, NYC


The Puffin Foundation, grant, 2023

Two Trees Cultural Studio Space Subsidy Program, Dumbo, since 2018


In institutional and private collections nationally and internationally, including State Silk Museum, Tbilisi, Georgia, The Foundation Center, NYC, ElephantArt, Switzerland, Arcadia Earth, and private collectors in the USA, Switzerland, Netherlands, Israel, Australia, and Canada.


2018, founded the online magazine Art Spiel and serves as its chief editor


Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, MFA classes.


MFA, SUNY Purchase, NY

BFA, Parsons School of Design, NYC

BA, Tel Aviv University, Psychology and English Literature