Etty Yaniv: Perpetual Roads at Space 776
SPACE 776 video: Etty Yaniv: Perpetual Roads
August 16 - September 1, 2019

Etty Yaniv: Parallel Topographies, for solo exhibition at The Musée Héritage Museum
Video by Jonathan Yaniv.
It shows the current studio work at the time, the process of making Detached from the Celestial Sphere.

Etty Yaniv Transient Presence LIU 2019 video by Dada Shikako
Documentation of Transient Presence at Salena Gallery LIU, 2019

Etty Yaniv - artist Interview series by Space 778

Etty Yaniv Curios Silk Museum Tbilisi Georgia
Site specific installation at the historic State Silk Museum in Tbilisi, Georgia

Etty Yaniv: Perpetual Roads at Space 776
SPACE 776 video: Etty Yaniv: Perpetual Roads
August 16 - September 1, 2019
Etty Yaniv: Parallel Topographies, for solo exhibition at The Musée Héritage Museum
Video by Jonathan Yaniv.
It shows the current studio work at the time, the process of making Detached from the Celestial Sphere.
Etty Yaniv Transient Presence LIU 2019 video by Dada Shikako
Documentation of Transient Presence at Salena Gallery LIU, 2019
Etty Yaniv - artist Interview series by Space 778
Etty Yaniv Curios Silk Museum Tbilisi Georgia
Site specific installation at the historic State Silk Museum in Tbilisi, Georgia
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