Questions Swirl Around

This wall relief is made of highly textured clusters of painted repurposed materials taken from Etty Yaniv’s art studio and her everyday life, predominantly utilizing assorted paper, fabric, and plastic in monochromatic palette peppered with bursts of unexpected color. These fragmented material pieces come together to create a light weight and ephemeral relief while simultaneously conveying a sense of density and monumentality. From a distance, the artwork presents tactile segments reminiscent of abstract landscapes. Upon closer inspection, viewers will discover tiny narrative vignettes embedded within the material clusters, documenting the artist's daily experiences. The integration of these disjointed pieces forms a holistic image that still allows the individual fragments to remain visible, encouraging an overall rhythmic flow. Visitors are prompted to observe the artwork from different perspectives, emphasizing the interconnectedness between all the fragments and the perpetual movement of the composition. The notions of shifting vantage points, concurrent perpetual movement, and intra-connectivity between the fragments are central to Yaniv's artistic vision, evident throughout her body of work.