At that moment, all spaces change (unavailable)
At that moment, all spaces change (unavailable)

22.5'x3'x8", mixed media on boards

At that moment, all spaces change (detail)
At that moment, all spaces change (detail)

Site specific installation, 22.5'x3'x8", mixed media on boards. Photo Credit @MerylMeisler


At that moment all spaces change (unavailable)
At that moment all spaces change (unavailable)

22.5'x3'x8", mixed media on  boards

At that moment all spaces chance (group show installation view Helen Day, Fractured: works on Paper)
At that moment all spaces chance (group show installation view Helen Day, Fractured: works on Paper)

 Etty Yaniv (back left), mixed media on boards; Jane South (front left), Leonardo Drew (back right), Helen Day Center, 2015

Photo Courtesy @HelendayArtCenter

At that moment, all spaces change (unavailable)
At that moment, all spaces change (unavailable)

9'x3'x8", mixed media on board, Installation view, Montserrat College of Art, MA

At that moment, all spaces change (detail)
At that moment, all spaces change (detail)




At that moment, all spaces change (detail)
At that moment, all spaces change (detail)


At that moment all spaces change, detail
At that moment all spaces change, detail
At that moment, all spaces change (unavailable)
At that moment, all spaces change (unavailable)

22.5'x3'x8", mixed media on boards. Courtesy of @TheFoundationCenter, New York City

At that moment, all spaces change (detail)
At that moment, all spaces change (detail)
At that moment, all spaces change (unavailable)
At that moment, all spaces change (detail)
At that moment all spaces change (unavailable)
At that moment all spaces chance (group show installation view Helen Day, Fractured: works on Paper)
At that moment, all spaces change (unavailable)
At that moment, all spaces change (detail)
At that moment, all spaces change (detail)
At that moment all spaces change, detail
At that moment, all spaces change (unavailable)
At that moment, all spaces change (detail)
At that moment, all spaces change (unavailable)

22.5'x3'x8", mixed media on boards

At that moment, all spaces change (detail)

Site specific installation, 22.5'x3'x8", mixed media on boards. Photo Credit @MerylMeisler


At that moment all spaces change (unavailable)

22.5'x3'x8", mixed media on  boards

At that moment all spaces chance (group show installation view Helen Day, Fractured: works on Paper)

 Etty Yaniv (back left), mixed media on boards; Jane South (front left), Leonardo Drew (back right), Helen Day Center, 2015

Photo Courtesy @HelendayArtCenter

At that moment, all spaces change (unavailable)

9'x3'x8", mixed media on board, Installation view, Montserrat College of Art, MA

At that moment, all spaces change (detail)




At that moment, all spaces change (detail)


At that moment all spaces change, detail
At that moment, all spaces change (unavailable)

22.5'x3'x8", mixed media on boards. Courtesy of @TheFoundationCenter, New York City

At that moment, all spaces change (detail)
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